Deception with Keith Barry

Taal: nld

Deception with Keith Barry Docuserie. Mentalist Keith Barry onderzoekt de Koude Oorlog. Hij experimenteert met massahypnose, programmeert gewone mensen om te spioneren en hij creëert een slapende spion.

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Discovery Channel 19-05-2014 03:45 - 04:40 Deception with Keith Barry
Discovery Channel 26-05-2014 03:45 - 04:40 Deception with Keith Barry
Discovery HD 24-05-2016 04:30 - 05:15 Deception with Keith Barry
Discovery Channel 24-05-2016 04:30 - 05:15 Deception with Keith Barry
Discovery Channel 25-05-2016 04:30 - 05:15 Deception with Keith Barry
Discovery HD 25-05-2016 04:30 - 05:15 Deception with Keith Barry
Discovery HD 26-05-2016 04:30 - 05:15 Deception with Keith Barry
Discovery Channel 26-05-2016 04:30 - 05:15 Deception with Keith Barry
Discovery Channel 27-05-2016 04:30 - 05:15 Deception with Keith Barry
Discovery HD 27-05-2016 04:30 - 05:15 Deception with Keith Barry